Experience the Magic of WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge!

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WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge

The Magic of WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge!

I TOUCHED LIGHTNING!!!!  No seriously, I really did touch lightning. I took a trip over to WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge.  I’ve heard so many things about this place, I just had to see it for myself.  Ironically, this is one of the few places I didn’t have to put in my GPS since it’s the building that’s upside down. (Can you imagine the look on the architects face when the owners tried to explain what they wanted?)

Tunnel of Lights WonderWorks in Pigeon ForgeUpon walking in to WonderWorks, the first thing you will notice is the sound of the building crumbling around you. Don’t worry kids…it’s only music…the building really isn’t about to collapse.  So many things catch your eye as you walk in.  The souvenir shop, the rubble and debris from the building being turned upside down.

After purchasing your tickets, you will walk through the tunnel of spinning lights.  Now, i must warn you, I thought I was prepared for this, but I was stumbling around like I had had one too many. It’s an extremely cool effect but thankfully it’s pretty short or you might end up on the floor. (Don’t worry…people will laugh with, not at you)

There are so many fun and educational exhibits within WonderWorks.  in fact, the exhibits are so much fun and so interactive, that you may not even realize you’re learning anything. One of the coolest exhibits is “Mind Ball”. You connect to a computer using a wrap around your head.  The object of the game is to see who can have the LOWEST brain activity. Ask around…I am the KING of low brain activity. I mentioned earlier how I touched lightning…well, you can too.  It’s an incredible experience.  You slide your arm in a metal sleeve, press a button and next thing you know..BAM! Lightning at your finger tips!!! Here are a few more of the cool things you can experience at WonderWorks…

  • Anti-gravity water
  • Speed of Light (think Whack-A-Mole)
  • Rock climbing wall
  • Rope course guided by black light
  • Bed of Nails
  • Oversized piano (like the one in the movie “Big”)

These are just a few of the many different attractions at WonderWorks. From there newest forensics exhibit to indoor interactive roller coaster, arcade, concessions, military style simulation and more, WonderWorks has so much to offer the entire family. Plan on spending about 3-4 hours to really experience everything you can.

One of the most appealing aspects of WonderWorks, is the fact that it’s indoors. Whether it’s hot, cold, raining or snowing, you’ll have a place to spend most of your day. I learned so much just walking through the building and interacting with the hands on exhibits.

If you’re wondering about parties or groups…WonderWorks can get you set up for that as well.  A private area for birthday parties and a larger theatre for those BIG parties.  Give them a shout to schedule your next event at WonderWorks.