Winterfest in Pigeon Forge: Shows, Free Activities, & What’s New

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It is wintertime in Tennessee! From November 10th to February 19, 2023, guests can enjoy festive lights, Christmas shows, and quality time with their families. Keep reading to get ideas on how you and your family can have an unforgettable holiday season in Pigeon Forge.  


Come See Holiday Shows! 

Christmas at Dolly Parton’s Stampede  

This spin on the typical Dolly Parton’s Stampede show is voted one of the best in the Smokies every year. With 32 horses, an appearance from Santa, and a North vs. South pole rivalry, this is a show that does not disappoint.  

Christmas at Paula Deen’s Lumberjack Feud 

This attraction will have all your favorite competitions like logrolling, speed-climbing, sawing, and more, but with a Christmas flair.  

Christmas at Country Tonite 

Enjoy wonderful renditions of holiday classics and beautiful choreography with special appearances from Frosty the Snowman and more! This show will be enjoyed by all. 


Free Activities: 

Patriot Park Light Display  

For those with a patriotic spirit, the light display in Patriot Park is sure to be a moving one. With a 40-foot-tall display of our nation’s flag being raised at Iwo Jima and salutes dedicated to each branch of the armed forces, this display reminds guests to remember the sacrifices that others have made. The Patriot Park Display also includes a tank, a battleship, and more. 

Old Mill Scene 

This beautiful scene is a tribute to one of the oldest businesses in this area. Located on Teaster Lane behind The Island, this sight is sure to take your breath away. Continue on Teaster Lane and drive on the main road to see all the displays.  

Visit The Island 

Enjoy a stroll around The Island in Pigeon Forge and enjoy Christmas lights all around! Stop and shop, or just walk around with your family and take in the sights.  


New This Year:  

Wonders of Light Christmas Village  

For those who like arts and crafts shows, mark your calendars. From 10:00am-6:00pm on November 18-19 and November 25-26, the area around The Old Mill and Patriot Park will be turned into a bustling square of more than 35 booths with artisans selling their works and three food trucks.  

Wonders of Light Walking Trail  

This beautiful walking trail on the Pigeon Forge Greenway is free to access and fun for the whole family. From snowflakes and snowmen to flowers and insects, this light display is full of amazing displays that will leave you in awe!  


Don’t Forget:  

Pigeon Forge is not the only place to view Christmas lights and have some holiday fun. Visit our neighboring cities of Sevierville and Gatlinburg to view their takes on the Winterfest event and enjoy their activities.  


We hope that these tips and shows we are sharing with you will help put you in the holiday spirit. Come enjoy a Christmas in the Smokies and discover why visitors from all over have this beautiful town in their “must-see” places for November and December.  


Visiting during the holidays? Make sure to check out