The Smoky Mountain area is the number two wedding destination in the United States (after Las Vegas), and it’s easy to see why.
The breathtaking mountain views make for an idealic romantic setting. There are literally hundreds of wedding venues in the Smokies, ranging from a rustic cabin at Cades Cove to locations that can accommodate hundreds of people. Wedding costs are also much lower here compared to other wedding destinations in the country. And, with the helpfulness of Smoky Mountain hospitality, your stress in planning your wedding is almost nonexistent.
People from all over the country choose the Smokies as their wedding destination. And, we thought it would be fun if we showed, graphically, where people are travelling from to have their weddings in the Great Smoky Mountains. We partnered with the Smoky Mountain Wedding Association to gather up the data from the state of Tennessee to bring you this chart.

It’s amazing to see that someone from nearly every state got married in the Smokies in 2016! The only states lacking were Hawaii, Vermont, and New Hampshire. The Smokies’ awesome location has a lot to do with this. The Great Smoky Mountains region is within a day’s drive of two thirds of the country! Also, it’s interesting to see that the highest concentration of grooms and brides came from states immediately surrounding Tennessee. So, was your state one of the top suppliers of brides and grooms to the Smokies? Did you get married in the Smokies? Let us know on our Facebook page!
If you’re planning your wedding in the Smokies, be sure to check out our Wedding section to check out our wedding members. Also be sure to check out the #1 source of wedding information in the Smokies, the Smoky Mountain Wedding Association for more info on getting married in the Smokies.