Bruce Pearl, former University of Tennessee Men’s Basketball Coach, will be the guest speaker September 26th at the members only chamber meeting. Mr. Pearl will be speaking on teamwork and motivation. The topics that will be discussed will be, accepting and identifying your mistakes, having a backup plan and asking for advice. Mr. Pearls goal is to help others have their comeback. In 2011, after having a NCAA violation and owning up to his mistakes, Mr. Pearl took the opportunity to share his advice and success secrets based on his experiences throughout his career. After leaving his coaching career, Bruce Pearl went on to become the Vice President of Marketing for Knoxville Wholesaler H.T. Hackery. In addition to his V.P. position, Mr. Pearl also does speaking engagements be for a corporate event, fundraiser or a motivational speaker event. This members only events is a way for the Pigeon Forge Chamber to thank its members for being a member and their continuing support.