5 Steps for Successful Weight Management from Vitamin World

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The holidays are a time to enjoy family, friends and a variety of traditional, special foods that add to the celebration of the season. From eggnog and pumpkin pie to cornbread dressing and brown gravy, these tasty delights can be filled with calories. Don’t Despair! Plan to enjoy all the tasty treats of the season in moderation. Here are 5 Steps for Successful Weight Management from our friends at Vitamin World to help you enjoy the season:

1) Evaluate Where You Are: A common mistake people make when embarking on a weight management program is setting a goal before taking an assessment of where they are starting from. This leads to unrealistic goals and is a recipe for almost certain failure.

2) Set More Than One Goal: Set a realistic overall goal and several intermediate goals that fill the space between where you are and where you want to be.

3) Tell Everybody What You’re Doing: Accountability and a cheerleading section are wonderful things.

4) Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself: Remember that you are only human and that you’re doing something that takes determination.

5) Reward Yourself: Pat yourself on the back every time you reach a goal, maybe in the form of a long look at yourself in the mirror followed by a big smile or a new outfit that shows off your new shape!

For expert advice, call (865-429-4778) or drop by the new Vitamin World location in Pigeon River Crossing at 2642 Teaster Lane in Pigeon Forge. And to get a jump start on your New Year’s resolutions check out our friends at Any Body Fitness in Knoxville on Kingston Pike (865-247-6705.)